JVP raised access floor system
Discover our range of solution for flooring
JVP 4× 4 panels are fully protected by a galvanized steel capsule reinforced on all four corners, thanks to the combination of finished thickness, type and density of the inner core, with appropriate substructures, covering all performance requirements of the most commonly used international standards in the field (European harmonized standard UNI EN 12825, six grades of mechanical capacity, British Standard UK PSA MOB PF2, four grades of mechanical capacity).

JVP’s plant is a third-generation production line designed entirely by JVP’s technical staff in 2002,
updated in 2017 and as fast and efficient today as any in the industry: come visit us or check out our photo gallery.
JVP 4×4 panels are available with two thicknesses and four densities, because not all floors need to provide the same level.
Every use has its own expected performance and needs that have to be taken into account to avoid design errors and waste in terms of costs,
raw materials, transport costs, installation and maintenance, and loads on floors.

JVP 4×4 panels do not require additional cross-members, since they simply rest on the underlying structures.
This is how we guarantee their performance.
There is also a corner-lock solution for each JVP 4× 4 panel allowing it to be screwed into the structure, further improving its performance,
even for anti-seismic protection.